PageSpeed Optimization With S.T.O.P.
In this course, I’ll show you how you can increase your WordPress sites’ PageSpeed scores above 90%.
And we’re going to do that with the S.T.O.P. framework :

S – Server; aka the hosting
T – Theme; the theme(s) you should be using
O – Optimization; aka caching – which one should you be using
P – Plugins; the Dos and Don’ts of plugins (hints: there’s a caveat here)
So if you want to S.T.O.P. slow websites and turbo boost your PageSpeed (we’re targeting) above 90%, this course will show you exactly how to do that.
Now, if you’re even wondering why you should S.T.O.P your slow WordPress and enhance the PageSpeed scores, the quick answer is …
Google will rank sites that load faster higher in the search engine results – it is an important factor in Google’s algorithm. So yes, having good page speed is critical in the perspective of search engine optimisation (SEO).
And having an SEO optimised and speedy websites is crucial in increasing organic search engine traffic which is the life-blood of any website for profitability.