How To Install WordPress on Localhost (Server2Go)

Here’s the step-by-step procedure on how to install WordPress on local web server (created by Server2Go).

First, you’d need to download the latest version of WordPress at ie. to your desktop.

Unzip it and you’ll have a folder/directory wordpress on your desktop. Copy this entire directory to the Server2Go directory (ie. in the flash drive).

Rename the htdocs directory to htdocs_old and wordpress to be the new htdocs. So now, your new htdocs directory structure will resumes that of WordPress :


Then, you can start to install WordPress by going to (or and follow through the installation steps :

Language : English (United States)

Database Name : wpdb

Username : wpdbuser

Password : password

Database Host : localhost

Table Prefix : wp_

Submit > Run the install

Site Title : Your WordPress Site Title

Username : admin

Password (twice) : password

Your E-mail :

Privacy : Ticked (default)

There you go, your new WordPress is up! To log into your newly created WordPress’s Dashboard, go to and log in with the username and password which you’ve entered earlier.

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