Changing WordPress Admin Password

There will be time where you need to change your WordPress dashboard admin login password.

One of the reasons could be because you’ve just took over the WordPress site when your developer, freelancer or virtual assistant has completed the initial development and handed over to you. It will be a good time to change the admin password of your WordPress dashboard so that only you yourself know the password to log into your own dashboard.

There are 2 ways to do that :

  1. While you’re logged into your Dashboard (with your current/old password), go to the top right hand corner of the Admin Toolbar > Howdy Admin > Edit My Profile.
  2. Or, under the Dashboard menu > Users > Your Profile


Everyday, there are tons of WordPress got hacked, primarily due to weak and easy-to-guess password. It’s always a good practice to use password with good old Strong strength indicator. Click on the “Update Profile” button and once you’re logged out, you’ll need your new password to log back into your Dashboard.

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