Five Ways To Make Money With WordPress Which Will Let You Retire Within Five Years
If you have so much as a single entrepreneurial bone in your body, and are aching to retire early, then choosing to make money with WordPress – the reigning king of blogging and content management system (CMS), is certainly an important step in the right direction.
WordPress is the best content management system for a reason, and while you can make money by blazing a new trail, there’s a lot to be said for picking, and sticking with, a proven winner. That said, here are five emerging trends in the wonderful world of WordPress that can put you on the path to financial success:
1) Community Building
Remember back in the “good old days” of internet marketing when you could spam out cookie cutter made for Adsense sites, churn out spun articles by the million to build low quality links, and make a ton of money? Yeah, those days are gone and they’re not coming back. Google has vastly improved its algorithm, and these kinds of tactics will not only no longer work, they’ll get you permanently banned. Worse, you’ll ruin your brand.
The new paradigm is trust. Building niche based communities and miniature social networks where your readers are both family, friends and customers. Treat them with the respect they deserve and you’ll find yourself on the path to an early retirement!
We already know that there are thousands of high quality themes, allowing for blogs of every conceivable look and feel, but what’s been missing so far is a good, clean touch or eye movement based navigation system for handhelds and (in the very near future) wearable computers like Google Glass.
If you want to be on the cutting edge of the next blogging revolution, then this kind of development is exactly where you need to be. If you can deliver websites designed to be primarily navigated by look or touch, then you’ll be in a class by yourself, and have more than enough work to retire early.
3) Blogging Related Services
In many cases, existing well established websites will be threatened by the new niche community-based up and comers. They would have to rewrite their entire site from scratch in order to design to the new standard, and if not, face increasing irrelevance. The problem, of course, is that for a well established site, that can be impractical, not to mention, virtually impossible.
That’s where bright minded entrepreneurs like you come in. There’s a vast opportunity to build tools that can create many of the same advantages niche-based community sites offer, without having to radically redraw these established web destinations. This could be anything from offering off-site tools that blend seamlessly with their site so that the user is not even aware they’re being redirected elsewhere when they do certain things.  Think about plugins that will seamlessly allow certain community functionality without having to resort to a total redesign, as you may have to do when working with existing community based plugins (BuddyPress or similar). Devise to services that allow for these non-community based sites to form “families” that share readership and extend functionality.
4) Augmented Reality Tie-Ins
At the moment, WordPress is the reigning king of the CMS, but if they mean to stay on top, they’ll have to adapt to the coming changes in technology. Specifically, they’ll have to find ways of incorporating augmented reality elements into their offering. Given the open development of both the platform and extensions to it, this open up virtually unlimited opportunities to a handful of forward thinking individuals with the drive to make these platform advancements a reality. Is that person you?
5) Be Like
That’s right. Convert your WordPress to a Multisite installation and offer blog creation and hosting service just like With more and more people hopping on to the internet, you’d be surprised there is a huge majority who have no idea how to create their web presence. Having a well-managed, value-added and feature-packed blog providing platform could just fund your early retirement and allow you to enjoy true life before you hit 40 (well, actually, age doesn’t matter, really!).