How Do You HTTPS Your Sites When Your cPanel Do Not Support LetsEncrypt Installer

If your hosting is not SiteGround, chances are you don’t have LetsEncrypt installer in your cPanel. So how do you HTTPS your sites then?

If you’re at LetsEncrypt and attempting to install SSL certificates manually, you’ll soon hit wall if you’re a beginner in such stuff or when you’re not familiar with command lines. Plus, if you do this manually, you’ll have to renew the SSL certificates every 3-month – imagine repeating the “nightmare” again.

Fortunately, there is a good solution and WordPress plugin – WP Encrypt :

wp encrypt

Just install and activate WP Encrypt, then Settings > WP Encrypt > click “Register Account” > click “Generate Certificate” and WP Encrypt will run all the LetsEncrypt complicated command lines to install the certificate at your root directory.

SSL Certificate and Private Key

Then you’ll have to access your cPanel > SSL/TLS Manager > Install and Manage SSL for your site (HTTPS) > Manage SSL sites :

SSL Manager

Manage SSL sites

Add your Certificate : (CRT) and Private Key (KEY) … so where are these data? Just go to Certificate and Key Locations with cPanel’s File Manager and view codes for cert.pem and private.pem and paste it from there.

Click Install Certificate.

One last thing, go back to your WordPress admin dashboard > Settings > and change the https:// to https:// > Save.

That’s basically how you can HTTPS your site even though your hosting may not have the LetsEncrypt autoinstaller.

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