
How I Turbo Google PageSpeed Test of WillTan.com From Grade D to B Within a Day

Just last week, I’ve enhanced the Google PageSpeed test of WillTan.com from a poor grade D (64%) to a performance grade B (88%), literally within a day!

Before :

Poor Google Page Speed (D)

And within a day, here’s the after :

Improved Google PageSpeed test result

That’s a Grade D at a rather low 64% to an enhanced Google Page Speed Performance grade B at a high 88% .. in 1 day!

To be frank, the “trick” here is not in optimising my (old) theme; I couldn’t have that done in a day and I believe it’ll be hard to achieve the high Performance grade B unless I rewrite and recode the entire theme.

I managed to achieve such drastic improvement simply by using the conversion-focused and built for speed Thrive Themes!

After a couple more days of theme design customisation and supercaching, my page load time average below 2-3 seconds. And not only my page speed got turbo-boosted, the layout changed from a blogging frontpage to a more conversion-focused and project showcase frontend – exactly what I’ve wanted!

The Thrive Themes are indeed the fastest and most speed optimised themes available online. All thanks to the strong emphasis in lean lightweight coding and fantastic automatic image compression. With fonts and layout that are designed for user engagement and readability, they are visually stunning and appealing to the eyes.

And you must also view my site with smart devices – the theme is fully mobile responsive that looks great on all device of all sizes with intelligent column layout, icon and font resizing.

Also, the social sharing integration, related posts and optimised image galleries are all in-built, thereby, trimming down the need to install extra plugins to have these features.

One worthy point I’d like to mention here is that my servers are at Singapore and the above Pingdom tests are done with USA Dallas server and it is already a grade B at 88%. Respectively, if I’m using a Singapore test server, my Google PageSpeed test performance grade could well be an A!

By the way, why the focus in improving the page speed? Answer: For the sake of SEO, ranking and traffic. In subsequent posts, I’ll show you how you can further improve the performance of your web page. For a start, give Thrive Themes a try – you won’t regret it!


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