How To HTTPS WordPress With SiteGround’s Free SSL Certificate (LetsEncrypt)

This video will show you exactly how to HTTPS WordPress :

You will realise that SiteGround is one of the (very few; if not only) top-tier hosting providers that provided in-built LetsEncrypt integration within cPanel.

LetsEncrypt is a free and very robust SSL issuer that is well supported/sponsored by many big players like Mozilla, CISCO, Chrome, Facebook, Shopify, Scuri and more!

These are the exact steps as entailed by the video :

Step 1 : Log in to your SiteGround account.

Step 2 : Click “Go to cPanel” button to access the cPanel.

Alternatively, you can access your cPanel by putting /cpanel behind your .com.

Step 3 : cPanel > Security tab > click on “Let’s Encrypt” icon.

Step 4 : Select the domain you’d wanted to HTTPS from the dropdown list, enter email and click “Install”.

Step 5 : Log back into your WordPress Dashboard > Setting > General and change the URLs to https.

Congrats! Your site should be HTTPS now.

However, if your site is established/huge, it might not be fully HTTPS – with the green Secure lock; this is usually due to there is/are still https://s when you View Page Source. Or you have to manually go to theme options, widgets and/or menus to change all https:// to https://.

Is it important to convert your WordPress URL to HTTPS? Definitely yes! Why? Not only it’s Secured, it will give visitors or potential buyers (if you’re an e-store) the confidence to purchase from you. Most importantly, Google love sites with HTTPS.


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