
WordPress Tutorial – Finally, You can Learn WordPress In A Minute?!

Not sure if you’ve noticed that there is a WordPress Tutorial page on top-right of the page. Yes, been busy churning out Learn WordPress In A Minute tutorial series lately.

Well of course it’s impossible to learn WordPress in a minute – what I meant was learning WordPress 1 minute at a time. That’s the intended USP (unique selling proposition) I’m aiming at.

I’m not sure about you but when I try to learn something from those how-to videos, I’ll be “attacked” by zZZ monsters … missing important point at times and have to “rewind” and repeatedly go through and listening attentively what the author is trying to say or do.

Plus, I don’t like my own voice(over) and as a matter of fact, I found it pretty hard to focus, narrate and doing all the screen capturing activities all at the same time. And usually when we speak while screen capturing, we have a tendency of speaking more stuff than we do trying to explain some details here and there.

So, following the 3S principle – SHORT, SIMPLE & STRAIGHT-TO-THE-POINT – most (if not all) of the tutorial videos in WordPress Tutorial – Learn WordPress In A Minute! are less than 1 minute (max will not be more than 2-minute).

Gists of these WordPress tutorial videos are they are in step-by-step instructions with plenty of screenshots – no unnecessary narration and straight-to-the-point.

Without further ado, jump over there if you’re interested to learn WordPress in record time ever!

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