How To Make An App Like Flappy Bird

How to make an app like Flappy Bird? No, I’m NOT referring to those “mobile version of a website” type of apps. I’m more looking at how to make a gaming app – like Angry Bird, Flappy Bird, Cut The Rope, Fruit Ninja … apps that are typically found under the Games category of App Store and Google Play.

As a (web) developer (primarily), one of my key focuses is in the speed of deployment. I don’t intend to spend months learning native Objective-C XCoding nor hardcore Java programming in Eclipse. I’m more in search of a good mobile (gaming) app development platform, tool or software which can expedite my storyboarding or wire framing (technically the correct term for app development) to actual apps in the app stores in just weeks (or even days).

So, let’s take a look at how to make an app with these app development platforms :

– GameSalad

– Corona SDK

– Stencyl

– Game Maker

– Unity

– Construct 2

– Marmalade SDK

– Unreal Engine


– Autodesk

– Multimedia Fusion 2

– Live Code

– Game Editor

– Edgelib

– JMonkey Engine

– DragonFire

– ShiVa3D

– Emo

– Libdx

– Android Box2D

– The Game Creator

Though not exactly a comprehensive list, it is overwhelming enough for new or indie gaming app developers to “crack their heads” and “bet their guts” on which platform one should start learning and developing game apps.

As of now, I’m leaning towards (1) Stencyl, (2) GameSalad and (3) Construct 2 with (4) Unity in future pipeline.

Updated on 10 April 2014

This video will zoom in to the top 2 mobile app development frameworks which I’m now into :

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