Seriously What Are Your Plans To Make 2015 A Prosperous and Rewarding Year?
First of all, wish ALL a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS New Year!
Okay, I know, I started my first post this new year with a “Seriously ..” note. But seriously, how SERIOUS really are you to make 2015 a better year online – financially?
And, it’s the time each year that many of us make our new year resolutions. I made mine last year – so how does it goes? “Ooops” is my answer 🙂 No, I did not meet my actual target though. Then again, I believe I’m not alone – if you’re reading this, my bet is there are some targets and resolutions you had set out last year but have not achieved. Dismay not, because it’s not your fault. It’s because making resolutions don’t work!
As in making resolutions, we are used to, like what we’ve been told, set SMART specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-line (normally for the year). See that’s what make it fails?! A lot of good and important resolution ie. go jogging (health is wealth) is not just for the year! Many important “resolutions” need to be sustained and it’s for long term (or even lifetime; like health).
So this year, I’m not going to repeat what will NOT work – making resolutions. Rather, I would set what I called LTG – Long Term (or Life-Time) Goals! My LTGs are in the areas of Internet (e-Business), (equity) investment, health, family and teaching. So all I need to do everyday now is just to DO SOMETHINGS, taking small but consistent steps, to reach ANY (or multiple) of the set LTGs – that’s how we should live every single day!
Btw, I’m also a firm believer of regular and continual 5R – Relax, Recharge, Revitalise, Reinvent & Relive. You see, working life, especially here in the little red dot (aka Singapore), is rather stressful. No doubt many companies here have changed to 5-day workweek, but hey, it would be more work-life balanced if we’re on 4-day workweek; I know, this will never happen here. Nevertheless, as inspired by the book – The 4-Hour Workweek, I have opted to have Weekends Retirements (aka mini-retirement; as in the book) in my dream house abroad. You should try this too – all it takes is a change in the mindset and you can start to really enjoy life – “You have a life to live, so start living a life!”.