Why You Should Be Goal Oriented At Work

You work hard each day, but it feels like your career is going nowhere. You deserve recognition for all those long hours you put in. You might be in the midst of doing a lot of random stuff that is not getting you anywhere. You should set goals for yourself and prioritize them to get closer to your goals.

Simplifying your task and strengthening your sense of purpose can help you feel focused and productive. If you have specific objectives, these will help you to be more focused in achieving these.

You could also experience a higher level of job satisfaction. Goals can provide you with the energy and motivation you need to succeed- especially if you often feel isolated working at home.

The average adult spends about 1/3 of their life at work. It’s not just a place where you earn money. Make the most out of your time and try to set, work towards and achieve your career (or even personal) goals in the office.

Setting Your Job and Career Goals:

Here’s some tips on how you can set your career goals objectively and smartly :

  1. Be realistic. Set goals for yourself that are challenging, but don’t aim too high. When you set yourself up for success and make your own commitments, it will keep you motivated to do your best and protect you from wasting time on unfulfilling tasks.
  2. Rather than trying to do everything, prioritize. It helps to give yourself deadlines and only take on a few goals at the same time. Pick things that excite you and will make the biggest impact on your life. Try follow the 80/20 rule – 80% of the outcomes or results that you want are often contributed by 20% of your focused actions.
  3. Be flexible. Keep your head out of the sand! Things are going to change, and you should be ready for it. Update your plans regularly to be sure they’re still in line with what you want from life.
  4. Pen it down. It’s been shown that ticking objectives off your list is more likely to encourage you to complete them. Writing them down on paper or computer makes them feel more tangible and meaningful.
  5. Visualize your future. If you can picture what your life will be like after gaining certain skills or pursuing a different line of work then you have a better idea of what you want. Imagine how good it will feel to use these skills in the real world.  
  6. Stop comparing yourself to other. Comparisons are a dangerous game to play. You never know when you’ll get the short end of the stick. Comparing yourself to others can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. Follow your heart as well as your head. So, stop comparing yourself to others and ensure your goals is a reflection of who you really are.

Reaching Your Job and Career Goals:

  1. Byte-size your goals. Goals can feel too big and far away sometimes, especially if you’re not sure what steps to take. Break them down into smaller and shorter goals and then create a timeline for getting there.
  2. Manage your time. Block out the best times of day for your most important tasks, take breaks and avoid multitasking. Your time is limited, so use it wisely. I have read a book on Bill Gates that he break down his time to 5-minute slots and that he will ensure that they are fully maximised.
  3. Stay organized. If you want to improve your productivity, get more organized! Designing a system that works for you can help cut down on the need for procrastination. Give yourself an area for storing work-related items and set some reminders that’ll keep you on track. Creating lists and limiting distractions that would usually make it hard to focus will also help.
  4. Keep track of your progress. By setting specific goals and timelines, you’ll be able to evaluate your work and see where you’re doing well so you can keep going. Finding out where you need to make adjustments will help you get there too!
  5. Welcome and invite feedback. Yes, let your boss and coworkers know that you are eager to receive constructive input. And don’t forget to get back to them with a “thank you” for their insights which help to enhance your performance and reaching your goals.
  6. Collaborate with others – often your goals will require the input of more than one person. Build a strong and diverse network, and work at being a team player. Listen to others’ ideas and share credit when you can. Show enthusiasm for group goals, as well as your own agenda.
  7. Be prepared to deal with obstacles. You will experience disappointments and disruptions along the way. Try to expect likely obstacles and come up with solutions beforehand. Be flexible and learn from your experiences.
  8. Seek balance. Remember that your personal life is important too. A healthy work-life balance will make you healthier and happier in the long run.

Becoming more goal oriented is an excellent strategy that will surely help you in every stage of your career. Take the time to learn how to set smart goals for your career and also on a personal level. It will help you to reach your full potential and make your happier.

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