Ask Me Questions – From Affiliate Marketing, Blogging, CMS to Web Development

I’ve just added “Questions” at top right menu of What’s the difference between this “Questions” and “Support”?

Well, “Support” is a ticketing system which is kind of “private”. It’s more for existing members, buyers and clients of my products/services where our correspondence is kept within the ticketing system.

Whereas for “Questions”, it’s more for anyone to post public questions on topics like :

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Internet marketing
  • e-Commerce
  • Mobile apps development
  • Technologies
  • Investment
  • Web development etc.

… and my answers to the questions are publicly visible too. If your questions are more generic and you feel that some/many other might also benefit from knowing the answers, that’s where you use “Questions”.

Again, if your question is like “I forgot my cPanel login password”, then you should be using Support ticketing system and if your question is something like “Why use WordPress?” then Questions is the right place to post your queries.

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