Configure WooCommerce Settings – Part 2

Before you populate your WooCommerce activated WordPress site with products, you’ve first need to configure the WooCommerce Settings to facilitate your e-business. In fact, you’d only need to configure these settings, usually, just one time. For this example, I’ll only highlight the usual/critical settings which you’d normally need to decide.

Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings >



Under Products tab –

  • Set measurement weight/dimension units – these will depend on your actual product; since I’m trying to sell t-shirts in this example, I’d probably set it to “g” instead of “Kg”.
  • Display – I’ll leave the default settings intact.
  • Inventory – I’ll keep the default Enable Stock Management and probably adjust the Low Stock Threshold based on my business requirement.
  • Downloadable Products – unless you’re selling infoproduct, else ignore.

Under Tax tab –

  • In most cases, I don’t include tax calculation to complicate my e-business!


Under Checkout tab –

  • Options – I’m normally using Paypal as my checkout payment processor. Here, you’d need to enter your Business account (Verified) Paypal email.

Under Shipping tab –

  • Okay, the most complex of them all. If you’re selling physical products, you’ll need to include shipping (if you’re selling worldwide). If most of my e-businesses, I’m dealing with info-product ie. themes, membership, web design service etc., hence, no shipping involved.

Under Account tab –

  • I’ll leave the settings intact.

Under Emails tab –

  • Well, just fill in the appropriate fields accordingly.

Generally, as you might have a rough feel by now is that these WooCommerce Settings are a must to set. It might be quite a headache for a start but the good news is that you’d only need to do these once. Most importantly, these settings must match or facilitate the e-commerce that you’re trying to implement for your e-business.


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