Developing Gaming Apps in Record Time – Which Game Creator is the Fastest?

If you’re like me who are interested in developing gaming apps in weeks, instead of months or even years, stay tuned! (For those who want to develop gaming apps in days, keep dreaming – sorry for being blunt)

In my post, I’ve a long list of mobile app/game development platforms. Months later now, my top choice is … drumroll … Construct2 (surprise, surprise).

If you ask me which is the best platform for one to learn and start developing (gaming) apps, I’ll still say Unity. But no, I’m not going for Unity because of 2 reasons – (1) it’s hard; at least for my purpose – to create 2D gaming apps (that’s where I know 3D modelling is not for me either) and, most importantly, (2) I’m not going to be a full-time app developer!

So the real question you’ll have to ask is – what you really want? Or rather, WHO you want to be? For myself, I’m primarily still a Web Developer. I don’t foresee myself to be a full-time app developer. As such, my focus in app development is speed of deployment. Hence, I’ll go for Construct2.

Generally speaking, since I’d opted for Construct2, your next question might be – why not GameSalad, why not Corona SDK, Stencyl, Game Maker … the list goes on. My reasons are simple – (1) Construct2 is easy – even after trying the first beginner tutorial, I’m close to creating one gaming app which I’ve always wanted to create. (2) Cost – unlike many other which are subscription based, Construct2 is a one-time $129.99 (Personal License).

Okay, I declare. I’ve yet to purchase the license yet. But comparing my experience using Construct2 versus Stencyl, Game Salad, Unity and Corona SDK, I’ll be jumping into the Construct2 bandwagon.


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