
Hardest Web Pages To Create For Developers – Legal Pages!

As a web developer, I enjoy creating (WordPress) visually stunning websites and e-commerce sites … all with the help of many WordPress (premium) themes available.

Then comes customisation of the selected theme – logo, layout, colour scheme, sidebar, widgets, menus … the list goes on.

Next will be replacing “lorem ipsum” on sample pages, possibly create our About Us, FAQ, Contact pages and so on.

Typically, the last thing on our mind will be the … *daunting* … legal pages – Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Disclaimers etc.

Here’s the issue – 99.99% of web developers are not legal professional. These legal pages must be in legal terms which are contents I can’t really use an AI writer to compose.

Thanks goodness we’re using WordPress! And sure enough, there are plugins available in the WordPress Plugins repository to help us to churn out these legal pages.

The key question is – which legal pages plugin is best to help the non-legal web developer (like myself) to get the job done. Here’s my list of top 4 legal pages plugins which you can consider :

Knowing my habit, I’d always checkout the total reviews and their stars rating.

Once glance above you can see that CookieYes stands out – the only one that crosses 1+ million active installations with over 2K reviews closing in to 5-star!

For WillTan.com, however, I’m using WP AutoTerms – reason is because I started using it quite some years ago. Hence, continuing to use it since the legal pages are already created.

In most cases, any of the above plugin should be able to help one create simple legal pages pretty fast.

The key message I’d wanted to bring across is – it’s not fun creating legal pages for websites. But it’s very essential and critical for all websites to have them in place.

Now with the help of these legal pages plugins, there’s no excuse for web developers to “put it aside”.

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