
9 Proven Ways To Increase Your YouTube Videos Watch Hours

These are 9 cool proven ways to increase the YouTube videos watch hours! I’m sure you’ve known or heard about those YouTubers (aka Vloggers or YouTube influencers) raking in good AdSense dollars from their YouTube channels. And you’d wanted to join into this bandwagon only to find out that to be a YouTube partner to start monetizing from your videos, you’d need to Have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 valid public watch hours

That is by no mean an easy feat for any beginning YouTubers. However, if you’re hard on to earn that extra AdSense income from YouTube … well, you’d to start growing your audience one at a time. If you hit 1K subs for your YouTube channel, there’s another “tall wall” to climb – you must clock over 4K public watch hours (in a year).

So hit that article below and learn how you (and myself too) can increase our watch hours …

Do you want to learn how to increase your watch hours on YouTube? As the biggest platform for video content on the internet, YouTube can help your business reach tons of new customers. But keeping people engaged with your YouTube videos can be tough. With over 500 hours of […]

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