How To Set A Record to Point Subdomain to another Host IP

How To Set A Record to Point Subdomain to another Host IP :

If you have a main site ie. and want to just point a subdomain ie. to a WordPress installation on another web host, here’s what you need to do :

Create the subdomain in (new host) cPanel

At new host’s cPanel > Subdomains > create/add the subdomain.

Note that the main domain is on another host; hence, the “main” domain ie. is only accessible via IP form on the new host.

Note that it may take a couple of minutes (for most web hosts) for the subdomain to become active.

Install/activate and customise the WordPress on the new host

cPanel > Softaculous > WordPress > Install/activate a new WordPress installation on the subdomain.

If you have already created/customised the WordPress with its main/root domain name, you can move the installation to the subdomain :

cPanel > WordPress Tools / WordPress Toolkit > Manage (the WordPress site you’d wanted to move) > Move Installation to the subdomain :


Create a A Record in the domain registrar for the subdomain

Log in to the domain name registrar ie. NameCheap.

Click “MANAGE” button on the main domain > Advanced DNS > ADD NEW RECORD :

Type : A Record IN A IN A

where is the (shared) IP address of your web server.

Save all changes. That’s it!

Normally, it’ll take around 30 minutes for the new record to take effect.

Updated : 31th Dec 2016

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