Marketing & Advertising Infographic 2014

Check out this Marketing and Advertising Infographic 2014 :

  • Comments and testimonials get an 89% rating for attracting customers.
  • Customers come from many online sources. LinkedIn is credited with delivering 43% of customers while Facebook is credited with 52%.
  • Business to Business (B2B) companies that blog have 67% more leads than companies that don’t.
  • The use of the Internet has grown as an advertising medium from 5.6% in 2005 to 20.6% in 2013.
  • Internet advertising is the second largest ad medium, passing newspapers by 12%.
  • United States is home to 41 of the 100 largest global marketers. Europe trails with 36 of the largest global marketers.
  • Ad spending is expected to grow 10% per year through 2016.
  • Data in a visual format is processed 60,000 times more by people as compared to text.
  • Instagram is showing the increasing in visual content over text. A member of the Facebook family, Instagram has gained in excess of 150 million users.
  • Approximately 33% of consumers use social networks to discover new products, brands or services.
  • Approximately 60% of LinkedIn users click on at least one ad on the site.
  • All as in 100% of business decision-makers use the social media for work purposes.
  • Approximately 79% of marketers have integrated social media in to regular marketing endeavors. According to the Social Media Examiner Industry Report.
  • Online advertising is changing as more attention is paid to branding than to individual ads.
  • Nearly 77%of Web display ads are never seen.
  • Display ads account for less than 1% of upstream traffic to department store sites.
  • The U.S. accounts for almost 25% of global online display impressions.
  • Video Ads account for 3% of the time spent viewing video ads online.
  • Because of various financial crisis around the world, GroupM has revised its worldwide advertising spending forecast, sending it downward to 4.6% from the 5.1% prediction made earlier in the year.


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