
How To Start A Blog To 6-Figure

In this TL;DW (Too Long; Didn’t Watch) episode, we’re going to extract the essence out of :

The video length is 1-hour 41-minute and 30-second! That’s a long video by Marcus indeed. Though I must say he is really hilarious and entertaining throughout the video while generously sharing his 20-year of internet knowledge in – How To Start Blogging & Shortcut Your Way To 6-Figure!

TL;DW Takeaways :

  • Part 1 – Choose a niche based on data (Marcus’s ways are rather non-conventional) :
    • Flippa – site details such as traffic and earnings give a good clue if the niche is profitable.
    • Google ie. “Amazon affiliate disclosure” to research top affiliate sites.
    • Google ie. “income reports blogger” for potential niches.
    • Validate niche keywords with keyword research tool like Ahrefs or Keyword Revealer (a much cheaper but effective alternative to Ahrefs and SEMRush)
  • Part 2 – Shortcut the domain process
    • Shortcut the process by buying expired domain.
    • Focus on keyword research – keyword difficulty vs volume (traffic).
  • Part 3 – Skim competitors for top keywords
    • Same advice – perform thorough keyword research
  • Part 4 – Put up specific targeted content
    • In short, generate content with SEO in mind.
    • (Sad that Marcus didn’t cover much in content generation as I feel that t
  • Part 5 – Watch the statistics
    • Monitor site traffic and posts SERP (search engine ranking position).
  • Part 6 – Monetize and grow
    • This is (and should be) inclusive in Part 1 while performing niche research though.

Marcus’s flow of thoughts in this live YouTube streaming may not be exactly “sequential”, lol; but let me further extract the essence of the above this TL;DR (Too Long; Didn’t Read) gold nuggets :

  • Select your niche based on data; keyword research!
  • Shortcut by acquiring expired domain

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