
The One Most Important Thing ALL Businesses Need To Do Is – Marketing

Important Thing All Businesses Need

All businesses need marketing. Imagine you have a good business with excellent products or services, but no one knows about it. Zap. No sales; no revenue. Marketing is (and should) be the key focus for all businesses; itā€™s the survival keyword.

To have successful marketing campaigns, you have got to control your budget and measure the ROI (return on investment).

https://www.komarketingassociates.com/blog/20-online-marketing-tools-that-boost-campaign-results/20 Online Marketing Tools That Boost Campaign Results Just like a good song will make us run a little faster on the treadmill, a solid playlist also kicks the digital marketing side of our minds into overdrive. What is it?: Digg Reader is a news aggregation service operated by Digg.


The recent hype on the Pokemon thingy ā€“ is it one good area for marketers to dive in so as to leverage on the global craze?

Marketers Donā€™t Need PokĆ©mon Go to Track You: Why Itā€™s Boom Time for Location Data Sharing PlaceIQ data has also been flowing since May through Adobeā€™s Audience Manager, the marketing tech firmā€™s data management platform.

Like investment, Iā€™d suggest not to go against the ā€œmarketā€. Since the whole world is now crazy Ā about Pokemon Go, itā€™s good to crack your brain to see how you can leverage it to grow your business.

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