Tech Layoffs : How To Recession Proof Yourself

We have heard of the great resignation previously.

But what’s taking over the headlines these days are the big tech layoffs – Amazon, Meta, Salesforce, Twitter … It’s a scary list.

Yes, news like these never fails in giving the sudden realisation that no job is guaranteed.

Who knows how bad one can be affected when the big white envelope (some don’t even receive a notice in advance) just caught you by surprise.

Checkout the video below from Tina Huang which she emphasised the critical need to recession proof oneself :

I’ve summarised 3 main gists from Tina’s video here – on what you need to do to recession proof yourself : 

  • Upskilling – pay attention to your career path and trend; plan your learning/upskilling strategically
  • Network – Tina introduces the concept of strong and weak connections; it is important to continuously establish and grow your “weak” connections which might just give you the most opportunities in time of (urgent) needs.
  • Build different sources of income; be an entreployee – part entrepreneur, part employee … who knows your part-time income might just surpass your job’s take-home and you can make the transition to be your own boss at your own call.

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