The e-Biz (Foundation) Programme

Starting an e-business to break free from a normal 9 to 5 job (aka “Just Over Broke” or “Rat Race”) is a dream for a lot of enterprising individuals. Having this idea is a good start. But starting an e-business the right way, sadly, may not be as easy as one might think. Before jumping into the “e-battlefield”, it is always good to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge and skills (not forgetting also the mindset) to start an effective and profitable e-biz.

The e-Biz Programme includes 21 videos covering topics from business conceptualization to business fundamentals and legislation, from internet (marketing) to keyword analysis, web development to traffic generation and more. The programme will allow one to stay abreast of technological changes through leveraging on the power of Internet and new media to create e-businesses with the latest internet technological tools.

Go through all the e-Biz Programme videos in sequence. Each video is just a short 2-5 min. It’ll take probably only an hour or two to equip yourself with a good head start to begin your fun, exciting and profitable journey to a successful home-based e-business. So don’t procrastinate, don’t delay and give it a shot (and if it don’t work, try again … and again; don’t worry, according to Pareto principle, out of 10 things you tried, 9 will fail and 1 (that’s 10%) will work – so here’s the good news, you can easily get 2 successful e-businesses by trying 20 times; SURRENDER IS NOT AN OPTION!).

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