WordPress Trends You Need To Implement To Ensure Survivability

WordPress Trends You Need To Implement In 2017

Almost one-fourth of all the websites on the Internet are powered by WordPress. The success of this powerful CMS can be attributed to the availability of hundreds and thousands of themes and plugins that extend the functionality of WordPress.

Since, its initial release in 2003, WordPress has rendered an easy-to-use website development platform for many bloggers and website owners. You can deploy a full-featured personal or business website on this CMS within minutes.

The true power of WordPress does not lie in the CMS itself, but in the community of developers who actively improve and upgrade the CMS for reliable security and improved performance. This is why you need to keep a tab on the new trends that get introduced to keep afloat in the digital market.

If you are developing your new WordPress website or already own one, you need to know what trends will drive the WordPress user community in 2017. Here are the WordPress trends that we think will be huge in demand in 2017.

Single-page Websites

If you deal in a single product, you do not need websites with multiple pages. Users are attracted towards websites that are simple and can be glanced within a single session.

This is why in 2017, Single-page WordPress designs are a big hit. Such website design is conducive for high conversion because of their storytelling framework. Some internet experts believe that the “pageless design is the future of the web.”

Desktop-First WordPress Themes Are Dead

The last couple of years see the turning point in user base of the internet where the use of mobile devices to access websites surpassed the use of desktop devices. Mobile devices are the future of the internet and you need to be ready to embrace the mobile power.

If this is not enough, read this official release from Google, where the search giant explicitly stated that mobile friendly websites will be given preference in the search rankings.

You need to choose the mobile-first WordPress theme to stay relevant in 2017. If you already have a WordPress based website which is not mobile friendly, then you need to invest in making them responsive and optimized for mobile devices.

HTTPS Websites

Google made it clear that encrypted websites that protect the information related to visitors will be given preference in the search rankings. Security is always a concern, but fortunately with WordPress you have the assistance of some of the best developers in the world.

The process of converting websites from HTTP to HTTPS has already started with Google flagging websites that are not encrypted. The process of conversion of WordPress sites from HTTP to HTTPS is little complicated. But, the benefits of a secured WordPress site are worth the pain.

Here is a step-by-step official guide from WordPress to shift to HTTPS. We are also in the process of creating an e-course on how to HTTPS WordPress at WillTan.com’s Learning Portal.

Video Headers

Have you seen the new default theme of the WordPress for 2017? It’s called “Twenty Seventeen” that features the video headers. The design and concept of video headers is nothing new, but with the improvement in the web technology, it has become increasingly convenient to include features like these in the WordPress themes. Introduction of the video headers in the Twenty Seventeen is an indication from the WordPress, that video headers are the latest WordPress trends and the future.

From WordPress version 4.7, there is an inbuilt capability in the core code of the CMS to support video headers. To switch to the video headers you need to make sure that your website is running the latest version of WordPress. Here is the official step-by-step guide on making use of video headers in WordPress.

VR-optimized Themes

Have you got your hands on virtual reality or not? If you haven’t I suggest that you quickly get the experience of the virtual reality videos using any VR header like Google Cardboard. If you really want to understand, why I believe that the VR is the future and the latest WordPress trend in 2017, you need to experience VR. For now most of the applications of VR are restricted to gaming, but the implications of this groundbreaking technology for web design are also excellent. Soon users will be accessing websites with their VR devices . The VR-optimized theme is the only way you will be able to make your website relevant in the VR era. Therefore, without a doubt the VR-optimized WordPress themes are a growing trend in 2017.

SaaS Plugins

Software as a Service or SaaS is a robust development and business model that software companies use to offer their products as services. In the context of WordPress, the SaaS model is offered by the developers as plugins. The aim is to create a highly functional WordPress plugins for a relatively lower prices to WordPress users so that they can measure various metrics related to their website and improve its performance and revenue.

In 2017 SaaS WordPress plugins are trending. For instance OptinMonster is a SaaS service that offers a WordPress plugin that website owners can use to generate excellent conversions. There are various products on the offer, you can choose one based on your need.

The important of SaaS plugins is that they do all the heavy lifting while you get to focus on promoting your business and increasing the revenue. Most SaaS plugins offer analytical data that tells you about user behavior on your website, just like Google Analytics but a lot more specific and goal oriented.


You need to implement every trend into your WordPress website, but to stay up-to-date, your website needs to be fine-tuned as per the proven web design trends. Research carefully and deep on your own about a trend and understand what impact it will have on your website layout-whether it will be positive or negative. Your ultimate goal is to create something innovative that keeps up with the latest WordPress trends and benefits your business.

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