A Consistent Advance-Decline Ratio Seems To Indicate A Bull (or Bear) Is Around The Corner

Advance-Decline ratio is a market-timing indicator constructed from raw data . It is the ratio of advancing stocks versus the average number of declining stocks. Recent consistency of Advance-Decline ratio is indicating a bull … or a  bear behind the corner?

https://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-has-happened-in-the-us-stock-market-only-13-other-times-since-1949-2016-07-15Opinion: This has happened in the US stock market only 13 other times since 1949 – MarketWatch MarketWatchOpinion: This has happened in the US only 13 other times since 1949MarketWatchThis is the feat that the stock market recently accomplished: Over the 10 trading sessions through July 12, the average number of advancing stocks on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) exceeded the average number of declining stocks by a ratio of more.

Historic market moments traditionally have their strong influence over market sentiments. It almost seems like the bear or bull has their predetermined entry points. So is it the bear or bull that is next on the “appointment list”?

https://www.cnbc.com/2016/07/15/1959-all-over-again-why-this-could-be-another-historic-moment-for-the-market.html1959 again? Why this could be another historic moment for the market – CNBC CNBC1959 again? Why this could be another historic moment for the marketCNBCBefore 1959, dividend yields on stocks were reliably above those of bonds.



Like the saying goes, go along with the market, not against it.

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