Digital Marketing Course – Singapore

Digital Marketing Course (Singapore)

If you are looking for the best digital marketing course in Singapore, check out the new Certificate of Competency (CoC) in e-Business Development and Internet Marketing.

This digital marketing course is a SkillsFuture (Tech-Enabled Services) Series course. It is intended for small medium enterprises (SMEs), aspiring home-based solopreneurs, small business owners and individuals who want to learn about rapid e-business web development and effective internet marketing for outstanding online results.

Course Content

  • Conduct proper keyword research and analysis to ensure business feasibility
  • Acquire rapid web development skills to create visually stunning websites and professional e-stores at blazing speed
  • Learn effective search engine optimisation (SEO) for the websites/estores to achieve top search engine ranking
  • Apply effective digital marketing and outreach traffic optimisation techniques including search engine marketing (SEM) and social media marketing (SMM)
  • Site traffic/data analytics to measure business performance
  • Learn how to leverage on important web & e-business resources tools and outsourcing techniques
  • Choose & integrate the right payment gateway and inventory management/logistics
  • Learn effective blogging and content marketing strategies

Course Rationale

Southeast Asia’s internet economy has reached a record high of $50 billion in 2017, that’s according to a joint research report by Temasek Holdings and Google [1]. Also, the bulk of e-commerce transactions surpassed $10 billion, up from $5.5 billion in 2015, based on iPrice Group’s 2017 State of e-Commerce report.

In Singapore, the e-commerce market is growing fast – helped by its pervasive, ultra‐high speed, and trusted ICT infrastructure, tech savvy population, and the government’s dedication in embracing the digital economy and achieving its goal of becoming a Smart Nation [2].

A study by online saving platform Flipit showing that 3 in 5 Singaporeans shop online, with market revenue per user reaching $1,022 in 2018. With at least 82% of the city-state’s population online, Singapore’s e-commerce market is projected to expand by 11.2% until 2021.

With skyrocketing demand for businesses to go online and leveraging on the Internet to increase their outreach and revenues, startups and business owners of all sizes are eagerly hiring people with web development and digital marketing skills to capture the ever growing and important online market share.

The course focused on the fundamentals and web development of e-businesses including effective implementation of essential internet marketing techniques. Website maintenance, security, backup and content management strategies will also be taught.

By joining the course, participants will be able to learn rapid web development skills to build websites and ecommerce sites for e-businesses operations. They would also learn how to perform proper market trend and keyword analysis to implement basic search engine optimisation (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM).

This is also an effective social media marketing course in Singapore that is very targeted and conversion focused in our very local context.

Relevance To Industry

The course aims to develop basic (to intermediate) skills and knowledge to prepare participants for web development and digital marketing careers such as :

  • E-Commerce Associate/Executive/Manager
  • Web Designer/Developer
  • SEO/SEM/SMM Specialist
  • Front-end/Back-end (Web) Developer

SkillsFuture’s Framework :

  • E-Commerce (Omni-Channel)
  • Digital Interface Optimisation
  • Market Intelligence
  • Outreach & Traffic Optimisation

Course Fees & Details

digital marketing course fee

Duration : 18-hr over 6 Thursday evenings : 6.45pm to 9.45pm

Venue : ITE College East – 10 Simei Avenue Singapore 486047

Certification : Certificate in Competency (CoC) in e-Business Development & Internet Marketing

Registration : Tel : 1800-2222111 or Email :

Trainer Profile

William Tan … that’s me 🙂 … is a senior lecturer-mentor in Institute of Technical Education (ITE). I had started the e-Biz Programme for my school – School of Electronics & Info-Comm Technology (SEIT) in ITE College East and developed the new Web Development module.

I’m also a certified DACE (Diploma in Adult Continuing Education) Trainer with over a decade of coaching experience in digital marketing and e-commerce technologies … been running Internet Marketing – Making Money Online continuous education training (CET) short course for more than a decade since 2006 with hundreds of adult students attended and created their e-businesses and websites.

Personally, I’ve more than a decade of experience in web development and have created more than a hundred websites and portals for myself and my clients ranging from professional corporate sites, e-commerce portals, learning management systems (LMS), blogs, affiliate stores, software-as-a-solutions (SAAS), directories, customised portals, web and native apps.

This course is meticulously created to share my passion and forte in developing professional and effective e-commerce enabled websites to allow businesses to tap upon the power of the Internet to scale up their bottom line, dominate their online market niche and to increase sustainability and profitability of e-businesses.

Beyond the 6-week course, I’d also provide continuous insider webmastering support to all the participants via my support ticketing system above. Literally, I’d become your e-business partner and all-in-one web consultant to ensure your online success.

Looking forward to seeing you in class.

P.S. Let me guess, you have probably come to know this page because you have searched for “digital marketing course singapore” (or some other search terms) in Google … this is what the course will start with – Keyword Research and Analysis, which is an essential fundamental in search engine optimisation (SEO) for your e-business profitability.

Course Promotional Material

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[1] Singapore e-Commerce (Export.Gov) –

[2] SEA e-Commerce Trends 2018 –

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