WillTheme – The Best Blogging WordPress Theme Ever

Drum roll … introducing … WillTheme – the best blogging WordPress theme ever. Okay okay, I know. It’s self-proclaimed “best”. Buy hey, it is one of a heck of a blogging WordPress theme – and here’s why :


  1. Blogging Style – WillTheme is a blogging wordpress theme. Why blog format? Simply, most successful websites you have bookmarked are content intensive informational blogs. People come back to your site only when you have good fresh useful informative content.
  2. Unlimited Colors – You can easily customize the colors of the header to any color that you like.
  3. Theme Width Option – You can select between FULL or BOXED theme width.
  4. Font Selection – You can choose your own font and even the font size.
  5. Logo (and Favicon) Upload – Upload your own logo (or favicon) for that personalized touch and branding.
  6. Social Enabled – Add the TOP 5 social media – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube at the footer to leverage on social power.
  7. Drop-down Menu – Drop-down menu feature for both the Pages and (Post) Categories menu bars for easy navigation.
  8. SEO-friendly – WillTheme is designed with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in mind.
  9. Big Thumbnails – The thumbnail for each post is 400px in width and 260px in height – the ideal size for making your blog looks visually appealing and professional.
  10. Support – WillTan.com is, and will always be, using WillTheme. So you can expect WillTheme to be continuously updated and supported.

Hmmm, but there is problem … WillTheme is not for sales just yet. If you’re interested in trying our WillTheme (and you should), do click on the Support above and shoot me a ticket.


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