Just Got My Stock Investing Website Up And Running In 2-Day

Alright, I know. I got side-tracked. But couldn’t resist the urge to deviate into developing this little “side project” which happened to be my another interest – stock investing. Especially when I realised that the domain SingaporeStock.Market was available – yes, was … as I’ve acquired it in a blink.

Singapore Stock Market

So why this sudden ad-hoc website? Since 2 years back, I have been wanting to re-enter the (stock) market. With 1998 Asian financial crisis and 2008 Subprime fiasco, I am kind of expecting a 2018 market entry. Despite the trade wars between China and the US causing turbulence and uncertainties, the global economy was still holding up … until it is brought to its knee with the current COVID-19 pandemic.

This global calamity also poses an opportunity to enter the market when so many, in fact most, counters having taken their beating. As such, to stay abreast with the latest updates and market pulse, I have kicked start this website kind of like a “journal” to curate specific (Singapore only, blue chips, dividend-centric etc.) news and articles from my favourite sites.

Now let’s get over from WHY and WHAT the site is about to HOW (the anatomy of) this site is built.

Needless to say, it’s built with the WordPress platform.

Theme – to save time, I used my favourite them; the very solid, well-rated and proven GeneratePress theme. And I loaded its Site Library’s Marketer template.

Next is the gist of the site – news curation. And for this, I’m using the the MyCurator plugin. I have tried a handful of curation plugins and I must say that MyCurator plugin stands out especially with its “Get it” feature – when I come across a piece of news or articles that I like, I hit the “Get it” button to curate over at my site – which totally make sense as this is what curation should be.

Thing key question here would be – the content on my this new site will be mostly generated via curation – isn’t this like duplication of content? Will Google raise its “eyebrows”?

The answer to the above question, I believe, its self-proven with Google itself – Google News. See, most of the content in Google News are not their own. Google simply curate all the news from everywhere ie. CNA, CBC, Business Times, AsiaOne, Bloomberg … no copyrights issue here as the contents are just curated with excerpts and, at the end, they are linked back to their origins – which if I’m one of the origin site, I would love my articles to be curated and hyperlinked, in this case by Google!

This (Curation technique) is a good way to generate “unique” content easily – the uniqueness is in the way those news/articles are being curated together. As I’m using a manual way to select the news/articles and actually read them before I curate, the final curate page itself is considered unique, since no way there is another one who would have curated the same list as I did.

So if you’ve any idea or hope to create a news-style site (in your niche), curation technique will surely help reduce your migraine in content generation!

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